Easter means time with Family! I am in my Hometown of Edmundston this weekend and today, I get to cook with my Mom in my Sister’s Kitchen – did I say that Easter means time with Family!
I think we all heard the saying ‘’you are never too old to learn!’’ Whether we want it or not, every day, life throws us new challenges from which we learn. Sometimes, we need to live the same challenge a few times to really learn the lesson life is trying to teach us.
The other way we learn is by accumulating information from different sources given such as in a classroom. In these cases, it’s not life throwing us a lesson, but it is us looking to get more knowledge… even at 40!
Wow, that was one of the quickest trip we took. Left Saturday morning at 5am, pitch dark and my so cold (-20°C)! This was the first trip me and my husband took without the kids (well, young adults) so this just added on to my usual ”Travel apprehension” list.
Even though I’m an early bird, 5am felt too early, so got to get a little bit of shut eye which eased the nervousness. Eventually, I woke up to this beauty… I knew then, this will be a great 24h!
Sun coming up over Quebec’s fields… the car needs a window washing