We remember how it was growing up… every life event was a milestone. Some of these milestones we don’t remember (our first steps for example), but our parents sure do. Others are linked to personal experiences, like a first kiss (parents will not necessarly know this one)! Then you have these milestones that are celebrated by everyone… like finishing High School!
A Mother…
A mother… we all have one!
Saying Goodbye is hard…
Whether you are moving to a different city, or leaving your parents house for the first time to live on your own, saying Goodbye is hard! How about when it is work related?
Date Night… Is it that important?
If you are like me, your life is rolling at 100 miles/hour –work, family, the house, the meals, the bills, the pets, the chores, the appointments… and don’t forget sleep! It sometimes feels like you forget to breathe. If you feel this way, imagine how your spouse may be feeling! Probably the same way you do.
Entertaining, Family and life – Mom’s point of view
For as long I can remember, Mom has always been involved in the family gatherings. If the event was not at our house, she would be in the kitchen where the event would be held. Any event is a good event to be with family. Some of the family traditions were born out of these events.
Continue reading “Entertaining, Family and life – Mom’s point of view”
What? You have a Boyfriend!
Congratulations, it’s a girl! From the minute you hear these word, you already worry about the guys that will come knocking on your door. I’m no different than anyone else… it’s the first thing I thought. Easy plan, she won’t be allowed to date until she is an adult –technically at 18– but if I had my way, she would have waited until she was 30.