My Mom always told me; ”If you are entertaining guests, cook for more than the people you are receiving! Worst thing is leaving your guests hungry”. Every time I am receiving, it’s like my Mom is with me because I always end up making more then expected!
I’m only 20…
You have just received your post-secondary education diploma, you are ready to take on the world and you hear: ”Congratulations, you are going to be a Mother!” MOTHER? But I’m not ready. I don’t even know how to change a diaper, yet alone how to prepare bottles, deal baby food, baby rash… STOP!
Avocado anyone?
Avocado, the fruit that thinks it’s a vegetable! Why? Well, it is mostly found in sushi, salads & dips which are all mostly made of, well you guessed it, veggies. It’s also not sweet like a fruit, but yet can make one of the best fruit smoothies. Avocado, they are naturally good… and have been my best support in weight loss!
Anxiety…do you know the feeling?
Heart palpitation, dizziness, nausea, the feeling of panic & fear…this is the way I feel right now. Technically, this is the way I often felt. No, I was not diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but like most people, the unknown is scary!
Sunday, also known as prep day!
One thing I learned with the kids growing up was that in order for me to keep my sanity, I needed to be prepared. We all know how it is… every day seems to be the same: Get up, rush to get ready, rush to work, traffic, meetings, meetings, meetings, rush to come home, traffic, prepare evening meal, juggle kids homework, clean-up, bath time, bed time –and not to forget when the kids are involved in extra curricular activity where you need to rush to a practice, game; finally to realize that you had no “Me” time. I’m lucky now because my kids are 18 and 16 so bath time and bed time are on them. However, they still eat… especially my 16 year old son; for those doing the math, yes I was 21 when I had my daughter and 23 when I had my son –some consider this young but I’ll talk about that experience in another post.
Say it as it is!
I got this question today: Aren’t you scared of the critics that might come your way with this Blog? My answer: Why would I be? If I stop myself from doing something I really want to do because I am scared of the critics, I run the risk on missing out on wonderful opportunities…like this one. There will always be people out there that will criticize what you do, what you say, how you do it and how you say it.