A mother… we all have one!

Whether you are moving to a different city, or leaving your parents house for the first time to live on your own, saying Goodbye is hard! How about when it is work related?
With the month of May at our doors, we all know what this means… gardening season!
On our end, we always had flowers at the front of the house (to make it pretty), and we have our blueberry hedge that is not only providing beautiful closure of our front porch but also provides us a food source.
Sunday… fist day of a new week! What is the best way to start off a new week? A huge breakfast! It is always nice to go out as a family and have Brunch. Now a days, going out to eat if very costly… even for Brunch! Next best thing is to make it at home.
If you are like me, your life is rolling at 100 miles/hour –work, family, the house, the meals, the bills, the pets, the chores, the appointments… and don’t forget sleep! It sometimes feels like you forget to breathe. If you feel this way, imagine how your spouse may be feeling! Probably the same way you do.
Food and friends… life doesn’t get much better than this! Every year, when the nice weather has finally arrived, my husband and neighbors join forces to get the front yard cleared of the evidence that Winter was here. While they work up a sweat, I get busy in the kitchen to prepare a meal to share with them.
Continue reading “Prep Day #8 – Cannelloni 2 ways… and neighbors!”