Even though I left my little Hometown in Northwest New-Brunswick 8 years ago to be with the love of my life –he is also from there– I know where I come from and my roots will always be there. This city has so much culture & history that it is worth to stop in for a visit. Come with me, discover where I am from!

I was born and raised in Edmundston (for the history, click here) and I am the youngest of 2 girls (yeah, got to give a hard time to my older sister). I was raised in a french household –oui, oui, je parles français, where home cooked meals was the norm, family reunions were often and respect for each other was taught.
My Mom was the oldest of a family of 3 siblings. My Dad, on the other hand, was the youngest of a family of 9. Imagine the family reunions when both sides came together… I’m sure you can!
I was lucky to interact with my Grandparents from Mom’s side. How could I forget our Saturday evening’s spent picking fresh vegetables from their garden or again my Grandfather cutting fresh tulips from his flower bed for us to bring home. The fact that they lived not too far from our house made that I could at any time go for a walk and pop-in to see them. I was also lucky that both were still living when my daughter was born. They say pictures are worth 1000 words. She was not quite 3 years old when my Grandfather passed away (my son was only 3 months old). She says she remembers… but I am sure glad that I have pictures of her and them together when she was a baby.
I didn’t get to interact with my Grandparents from my Dad’s side. They had both unfortunately passed away before I was born. However, I had to chance to hear so many stories from my Parents, Aunts & Uncles that it’s almost as if I got to interact with them.
How can you love someone you never met or interacted with before? This was something I was asking myself often. Why do I feel this way? That feeling inside when I would see a picture of my Paternal Grandparents… or any relatives! The feeling I had when I was given a butter dish that belonged to my Paternal Grandmother –yes, a butter dish! – I don’t even want to put butter in it! I’m am afraid to break it!
I have pictures of relatives I don’t even know that are hanging in my house. Why? Well, two reasons: first, the pictures date back to the beginning of the 1900 so they are simply awesome and second, well they are family…
So, how can you love someone you never met or interacted with before? The answer is one word… FAMILY! Family is and will always be the most important thing in my life. Family is the focal point in my opinion (I can’t Thank my parents enough for that… they are the reason why this foundation is so important to me). Family is what got me through some of the most difficult events in my life.
Not only do I have a fabulous Family, but I got the privileged to be raised in a small town where everybody knows your name (yeah, just like Cheers) and in Edmundston we are known as Les Brayons –this is why this is La Brayonne (to find out more on Les Brayons, please click here).
Last year (when I was turning 40), I realized several things that makes me who I am today. Thanks to my loving Parents who taught me the most important things in life such has: Love one another, be kind to others, be grateful for what you have, respect others and Family is important. Thanks to my sister for putting up with me when I was young – she is now one of my best friends. To all the Aunts & Uncles (even the weird ones – you know who you are lol), Thank you for the attentive ear, supportive recommendations and love.
Life is too short, as my parents taught me, love one another. Cherish your Family and the memories. On my end, I try to find a memory of a loved one in the simple things, like this one…