They grow up so fast…

Well, here I am, Mother of 2 adults!  But I am so young…

I agree, I got pregnant with my daughter when I was 20, so yeah, I had my first kid at a young age.  Got pregnant for my son a few years later.  I was 23 when he was born.  Why would I put myself through this again at that age, you may ask?  Well, since I was in diapers and bottles, might as well take care of it all at once… is what I thought!

How was life then with 2 kids at such a young age?

Don’t get me wrong, I know that I’m not the first woman have kids this young.  Some even had or will have kids younger than me.  In the early 1900’s, I would have been in the normal statistic for the age range woman had kids.  In 1998, career often came before babies.  Not for me, fresh out of post secondary education, I was pregnant with my baby girl!

Was I scared?  Yes, but…

But what?  Isn’t anything new scary? I could have panicked, but what good would have it been for me… and the baby.  So, I’m pregnant at 20, what will it mean?  It will only mean that late nights will now be feedings and changing diapers… instead of dancing and coming home late.  Early mornings will mean being sleep deprived & making bottles… instead of having a hangover.  Between you and I, I’ll make bottles any day instead of being hungover!

It’s also…

  • wondering if you are making a good job at raising them
  • making sure they get a good education so they can do something great out of their lives… even if it’s on their own agenda
  • struggling to make ends meet because you have no employment insurance coming in because you haven’t worked enough hours before giving birth
  • which mean, making sure they eat a complete meal before you do
  • making sure that they have everything they need to go to school… even if you are in need of a new Winter coat & boots
  • it’s loving them unconditionally…

Was it easy?  No…

Was it worst it?  Oh YESSS!

All the sacrifices, the time invested in homework, school plays, soccer practice & matches, sleepovers, movie nights or any time spent with them was worth all the sacrifices I made!

How is it that now they are adults?

To be honest, I have a hard time!  It’s almost as if I need to restructure the way I live my life… everything I did was for them.

Marie-Eve is now living her life, in her own apartment, with her boyfriend (which I adore) & their 2 cats (who I call my grand-fur-babies… don’t act surprised).

Christian is still at home… most of the time!  He is in his second year of college in a multi-media concentration.  Juggling school, homework, work & friends, doesn’t leave a lot of time on his agenda.  He still manages to find the time to hug me everyday and tell me that he loves me.  So proud of the man he is becoming.

If you could go back in time, would you change anything?

Nope, wouldn’t change a thing…

What’s next?

For me, I have a few projects in mind.

For them, they have their full life to figure it out.  One thing is for sure, they know that they can always count on Mom for a helping hand, support, a shoulder to cry on… or a home cooked meal!

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La Brayonne is a website dedicated to blogging. La Brayonne is not affiliated to La Brayonne flour, a product of Industries Corriveau in New-Brunswick, nor the La Brayonne B&B located in France. All articles are the sole opinions of the author and are for entertainment purposes only.
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