Date Night… Is it that important?

If you are like me, your life is rolling at 100 miles/hour –work, family, the house, the meals, the bills, the pets, the chores, the appointments… and don’t forget sleep! It sometimes feels like you forget to breathe.  If you feel this way, imagine how your spouse may be feeling!  Probably the same way you do.

In the mist of all this ”living”,  we are actually forgetting to –live.  Everything becomes another priority and before you know it, you are putting on the back burner one of the important thing in your life… your couple!

We are not different from anyone else.  Even though we see each other everyday, eat evening meals together, it does not mean that we are spending ”couple” time.

What is ”couple” time?  Well, this is my answer; it is time spent with your spouse away from any daily obligations.  It is time for only the 2 of you in which you do not discuss of the daily activities; which mean, no work , no house duties, no bills, no chores, no appointments… just time together!

This is all great but these types of evening cost money!  Depends on what you decide to do –also depends if you have young kids at home.  Keep in mind, the important thing is not how much you spend, it’s how you spend this precious time with your spouse.

Running out of ideas? Here are a few:

  • Watch a movie from your home movie collection
  • Create a vision board –now this will get you talking of what you want in the future.
  • Give each other massages –this will get your senses going!
  • Wine & cheese –a great way to start an evening
  • Have a late dinner
  • Have a picnic
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Go for a walk
  • Watch the sunset (or the sunrise)
  • Go camping… in your backyard
  • Breakfast in bed! Who says date should only be for evening?
  • Create a couple bucket list –this will get communication going
  • Take a day road trip
  • Garden together
  • Build a fire and have Smores
  • Lay down in your backyard and watch the stars
  • Dance in the kitchen… for no reason
  • Watch a Thunderstorm –this is an unplanned date night
  • Visit the farmer’s market
  • Go to the park

I could go on!  The web is filled with free or low cost date nights.  Take some time (out of your busy schedule) and search the web for ideas.  Date night is very important… your couple is worth it!

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La Brayonne is a website dedicated to blogging. La Brayonne is not affiliated to La Brayonne flour, a product of Industries Corriveau in New-Brunswick, nor the La Brayonne B&B located in France. All articles are the sole opinions of the author and are for entertainment purposes only.
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