Entertaining, Family and life – Mom’s point of view

For as long I can remember, Mom has always been involved in the family gatherings. If the event was not at our house, she would be in the kitchen where the event would be held.  Any event is a good event to be with family.  Some of the family traditions were born out of these events.

The Easter Bunny bread… one of our many traditions. Bread is hand made by Mom

If you have read my post on Entertainment, you know that when my Mom cooks, she cooks as if she is receiving a party of 30.  Let me just tell you that no one goes home hungry… but they can leave with left overs!

I have surveyed my Mom and asked her; what are the 5 most important things in life:

  • Traditions

Whether it’s eating Easter Ham after the Holy Saturday mass, or unwrapping gifts in our PJ’s on Christmas morning, the small tradition we have forged over the years are important.  Of course, I could have gone on and on for this one… Mom had a lot of traditions she could relate.  Some we still do, some we don’t. For the most important ones, Mom is making sure that these traditions keep on living.

  • Share the wealth

Mostly at every gathering, my Mom prepares a plate for someone who is less fortunate.  Since both my parents are involved in the community, they get to meet a lot of people.  They both feel fortunate to be able to have 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, therefore, feel they are able to pass the wealth to those in need. In some way, this is also a tradition.

  • Always be prepared

Mom always has something on hand in the event someone drops in.  She can whip up a platter of cheese, crackers, fruits and veggies at any time.  There is always coffee ready to be poured for guests.

  • Be Kind

You don’t know what others are going through.  They could be living some difficult moments in their lives.  Treat people the same way you would like to be treated, with kindness.

  • Friends & Family

    My sister, my Aunt Bern (Mom’s sister), my Mom and me in the back. Family is important!

Spending time with friends, family and loved ones  is important.  They are an important part of our lives.  Whether they are near or far, blood relatives or not, family members and friends are an important part of life… cherish every moment!

Mother/Daughters time in the spa… of course, with wine!


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La Brayonne is a website dedicated to blogging. La Brayonne is not affiliated to La Brayonne flour, a product of Industries Corriveau in New-Brunswick, nor the La Brayonne B&B located in France. All articles are the sole opinions of the author and are for entertainment purposes only.
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