If you had the chance to read my previous post, I’m only 20, you are aware that I started my family quite young. At that time, I was too busy to think ahead of time and wonder what would happen during the next 20 years.
I now understand when my parents would say, time goes by so fast! I remember hearing them say that when I was young and always thought to myself: ”what do the mean? This day is not ending!” because often time this is how we feel when we are young. Some days go by fast and others seems long either because our friends aren’t available or we have simply gone through the full list of activities that we had planned.
Now a days, juggling work, household shores, meals and all the rest, we feel we don’t have enough of 24 hours in a day. However, this week, the meaning of time going by too fast, took a whole other meaning… my son, the youngest, was accepted in college. He will be starting is first year in September 2017! I couldn’t be prouder!
Then it hits, where has the time gone? Less than 17 years ago, I was carrying him, he was not even born. Last thing on my mind then was, what will he be when he grows up – needles to say that even if I wanted him to be a Doctor or Engineer, he would choose his own field of work– but the focus then was as long he is healthy.
I remember telling him often, what will you be when you grow up? Always wondering what he would answer and telling myself, he still has time to make up his mind. However, now, this is it… he needs to make that choice, which he did! He will be venturing in the multimedia field. I couldn’t be prouder of the man he is becoming and I am sure that he will do fine in college.
Apparently, growing up is hard… I think it’s harder on the parents!