Surviving Spring Cold…

We all know that feeling… the feeling that we are coming down with something. When you least expects it, BANG, it hits… THE COMMON COLD!

I was feeling not quite like myself last weekend. I was attributing this to lack of sleep.  That feeling persisted until Tuesday evening.  After being done with my online class, I went to lay down on the living room sofa, completely drained. The minute my head hit the sofa cushion, I was knocked out!
Sofa – 1  – Sonia – 0

When I woke up a few hours later –to just get up and crawl in bed– there it was… sore throat!  No, No, NO… I don’t have time to be sick!  So, I  thought to myself, maybe it will have passed in the morning and proceeded to go back to sleep.

Alarm goes off for me to get ready for work.  The sore throat indeed had passed but left it’s place to sinus pressure, runny nose, chills followed by heat waves. Oh JOY!  I don’t have time to be sick… but the common cold doesn’t care, it’s there and you have to deal with it.

Surviving Cold 101:

1 – Drink fluids

I think I drunk more fluids in the last 72 hours than I did in the last year. Anything that was drinkable… water, tea, juice, wine (yes, wine helps kill the germs) was good. Keep in mind though that you do not want to over do it and flush your system from it’s vitamins and minerals.  That would just make it worst.

2 – Eat lite

It’s not time to eat a huge steak meal.  Your body needs all the strength possible to get through this.  I was happy that I made my Homemade Vegetable  Beef Soup on Sunday.  The left overs were just what the doctor called for.

3 – Rest

Get as much rest possible.  It’s not always easy going to bed early.  We all have busy lives and after juggling work, the kids, the meals, etc. we often feel like we didn’t have ”me” time at the end of the day.  It’s OK to take some me time… especially when you are sick.

4 – Wash your hands

You want to get rid of this unwanted guest as soon possible. We don’t notice it but there isn’t a place in your house you haven’t touched. It’s not time to start cleaning, you need to rest remember!  The other thing you can do though is wash your hands often.  Since you will be home from work, it will prevent spreading the virus to other members of the family.

5 – Stay home

If you are like me, you hate calling in sick. Look at your options.  If you have the possibility to work remotely, you are better off being home for a few days working (at your pace, remember to rest), than spreading the virus at work.  If you don’t have this possibility, call in sick.  It’s OK to do so.  Your work colleagues will Thank you!  Same goes for any outing with friends. I had to push a coffee date with a girlfriend… twice!

You now  know why I didn’t post anything until now… I was resting and drinking fluids! Once I’m back on my feet,  I should be immune from the nasty common cold for the rest of 2017… I hope!

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La Brayonne is a website dedicated to blogging. La Brayonne is not affiliated to La Brayonne flour, a product of Industries Corriveau in New-Brunswick, nor the La Brayonne B&B located in France. All articles are the sole opinions of the author and are for entertainment purposes only.
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